Editor's Book Shelf

Grow BIG in Small Spaces!

Urban living often means dealing with limited space, but that doesn’t have to spell the end for your gardening dreams. Grow BIG in Small Spaces!: The Urban Farmer’s Practical Guide To Container Gardening & Home Canning Collection is the definitive guide that proves you can cultivate a thriving vegetable garden and preserve your harvest, all within the confines of a small area.

Container gardening is a revolutionary approach for city dwellers and those with limited outdoor space. This book outlines everything you need to know to start growing your own organic food in pots and containers, providing practical advice and expert tips to ensure success including pre-planting essentials, crop selection, choosing containers, soil health and harvesting tips.

Maintaining an organic garden is both eco-friendly and beneficial for your health. This book offers a complete guide on using organic fertilizers and natural pest control methods to keep your garden healthy and productive without harmful chemicals.

Once you’ve harvested your crops, the next step is preservation. Home canning is an age-old practice that allows you to enjoy your produce year-round. The book covers the history and benefits of canning and various canning methods along with over 99 canning recipes covering a wide array of foods, from soups and stews to pickles, jams, and pie fillings. These recipes are straightforward, making home canning accessible to everyone.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener, Grow BIG in Small Spaces! provides valuable insights and practical advice. The book is designed to build your confidence and skills, ensuring that you can grow and preserve your own food no matter how much space you have. In a world where space is often at a premium, Grow BIG in Small Spaces! stands out as a vital resource for anyone looking to embrace urban farming and home canning. By following the comprehensive guidance in this book, you can transform small spaces into productive gardens and enjoy the fruits of your labor all year round. This practical guide is an essential addition to any urban farmer’s library, offering the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in small spaces.

As Seen in Canadian Home Trends Magazine, Renovations 2024 – Available on Amazon.

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