Dear Reena,
A group of us were hoping you would be able to suggest how to effectively clean the inside of smelly boxing gloves. So far we’ve tried Febreeze, Javex and vinegar. We’ve heard rumors about freezing but at the same time we want to make sure we don’t damage the gloves in any way. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Karen
Hi Karen,
The unappealing stench that you refer to comes from mold and bacteria collected from your hands; both thrive in warm and humid environments. Always air dry gloves when not in use. If you can’t hand wash them in the bathtub, spritz the glove insides with 50/50 rubbing alcohol and water. After a few minutes, slide one of the following inside gloves; a cotton ball with a few drops of tea tree oil, a sock full of cedar chips, or dry coffee grounds. Also store crumpled up newspaper inside each glove when not in use. If you can pop one of your old gloves into the freezer for 24 hours, this will be a great test as to how well your gloves will hold up to freezing temperatures (a great way to combat smells). Freezing temperature will kill bacteria.
Hello Reena,
I cleaned my stainless steel fridge with Windex. It has left a shine where it should be a brushed look. Do you know of any way to rectify this problem? Bev
Dear Bev,
Windex is ammonia and may have permanently stripped the brushed finish. Your best bet is to contact the manufacturer and ask for the recommended fix. Please do not experiment with products advised to you by other stainless steel appliance owners because they may be dealing with stainless steel that differs from yours. Please let me know what the manufacturer says.
Hi Reena,
I have two of your books and find them very helpful. However I could not find anything about cleaning silicone cookie sheet liners and utensils. Hope you can help. Thanks. Nancy
Dear Nancy,
Silicone is a non-porous option for cook and bake ware, some people love it while others will drive to the ends of the earth to avoid it. For daily cleaning use a little warm soapy water or toss them into the dishwasher. For once in awhile ‘Rainy Day Cleaning’, use my ‘Corellabunga’ recipe (page 88 of Household Solutions 2). In a large pot combine: 4 cups water, 3 cups vinegar and 2 tbsp. citric acid (found in pharmacies). Boil for 5 mins. remove from water and scrub with an S.O.S pad and dish soap. The faster you clean-up after each use, the easier the task.
Dear Marlene,
Love reading your column and all your wonderful hints.
Here’s one that I think has no solution. Being a novice at hair coloring, I tried a non-permanent ammonia free color. I tried to be careful but a spot must have landed on my white vinyl flooring and I didn’t even notice it until the next day. I have tried everything but the color is not budging! I wrote to the company, they suggested Javex. That did nothing. Do you have any suggestions? Appreciate any advice, and willing to try anything. With thanks. Marlene,
Dear Marlene,
If acetone didn’t do the trick and rubbing alcohol had no results why not tackle that stain with a taste of its own medicine? You dyed the floor, now use RIT dye remover to ‘undye’ the mess. According to the RIT web site: “RIT can be used to dye many different types of materials including wood, paper, plastic, feathers, and even canvas shoes!” So why not the floor? Test the product on an inconspicuous area to be certain that the floor will not discolor. Soak the area with hot water and RIT dye remover, pour the contents onto the affected area and note the difference. Worst case scenario, replace a small section of the floor.
Outstanding Feedback from Reader’s:
Hi Reena,
A belated “thank you” for solving the sediment problem in my dishwasher. I poked the upper spray arms with a toothpick and loosened all the sediment and eureka it worked! I also changed the dishwasher powder. Now I have nice clean dishes. Grace
Fabulous Tips of the Week:
· Spray your Tupperware with nonstick cooking spray before pouring in tomato based sauces and there won’t be any stains.
· Wrap celery in aluminum foil when putting in the refrigerator and it will keep for weeks.
When boiling corn on the cob, add a pinch of sugar to help bring out the corn’s natural sweetness.
Reena Nerbas is a highly popular professional speaker and the author of three national best sellers, “Household Solutions 1 with Substitutions”, “Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets” and “Household Solutions 3 with Green Alternatives”. Corporate and Christmas Workshops Available by calling: 204-320-2757.
I enjoy your questions and tips, keep them coming!
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