(NC)—Charitable giving… You do it – sometimes half-heartedly, sometimes on a whim. But is there a more appropriate giving style that would work for you? Take this quiz to find out:
1.You are on vacation in an impoverished country when you see a child in tattered clothes outside, offering a handmade trinket in exchange for money. You:
(a) Purchase the trinket as a souvenir, even though you really don’t need it.
(b) Wish you could have stopped to help, but your trip itinerary was too packed.
(c) Give the child your spare change, snacks, and whatever else you can offer.
2. Are you still friends with anyone from your high school years?
(a) No, but if you ever feel that wave of nostalgia, you know you have old yearbooks, photos, and notes lying around somewhere.
(b) A few, but only because social networking sites like Facebook, Classmates, and LinkedIn have made that possible.
(c) Yes. You are the first person to know when they have a crisis or problem.
3. What best describes your reaction to television commercials that feature children in need around the world?
(a) It inspires you to give what you can to children in need in your city or neighbourhood.
(b) You haven’t seen the commercials because you rarely watch T.V.
(c) You make an instant donation to help the cause.
4. There’s a raging fire in your house and you only have time to grab one object. What is it?
(a) Your favourite photo album, though you had a hard time deciding from all the items you’ve collected over the years.
(b) Your cell phone. Your close friends and family will be able to help you in your time of need.
(c) You panic and decide not to grab anything at all. You’d rather not risk your life for an item you can replace.
5. What’s your approach to shopping?
(a) You’re trying to cut down. Your closet is overflowing and some of your clothes still have their price tags.
(b) You prefer shopping online. You like the freedom and flexibility to buy what you want when you want.
(c) Shopping is a task on the to-do list. If you need something, you’ll buy it right away. You won’t hum and haw or compare it with different stores.
Mostly As – Hoarders anonymous: Gifts-in-Kind. You hate to admit it, but you’re one of those people who keep everything from elementary school binders to t-shirts that don’t fit. Consider taking the first step to freedom from “stuff” by donating your gently-used clothing, appliances, and books to a charity that provides for individuals who don’t have anything.
Mostly Bs – On-the-go: Mobile giving. If you’re the type who always seems to be running from one thing to the next, giving via text message may be the method for you. Simply text the code word provided by the organization and the money will be deducted from your cell phone bill.
Mostly Cs – Crisis management: One-time or emergency. You react instantly to stories about natural disasters or news about people in desperate situations. Give an emergency donation if you want to contribute to relief efforts and help families and children in times of crises.
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada, an international children’s charity offers a variety of giving options. Visit www.ccfcanada.ca to see how you can make a difference in someone’s life.
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