Before you even think about contacting a company, do some preliminary digging on the moving companies that are available to you. This means canvassing friends and family to see if they have any recommendations or cautionary tales about companies they’ve used. Once you’ve got a few company recommendations, look into them online. While researching online, be sure to look for answers to questions like:
- Is the company licensed?
- Do they have references?
- How long the company has been in business for/how much experience they have?
- Is the company insured?
Get estimates
Since estimates are highly relative and can be subject to change based on things like weight, bulky items or items that are hard to transport and accessibility to the building, you want to get your movers to give you an estimate in person, rather than over the phone. Get your movers to come to the house well before booking them and make sure you’re as detailed as possibly when describing what needs to be moved. Beware of low estimates and hidden fees.
Purchase moving insurance
Homeowners or renters insurance doesn’t tend to cover your items while they are being transported from location to location, so you might want to consider talking to your provider about purchasing moving insurance. Keep in mind that unless you are paying your movers to pack your belongings for you, the liability for items broken or damaged during transit will fall on you.
Actually read the contract
Skimming over your contract, rather than reading it over thoroughly, is the way most people get suckered into paying hidden costs later on. Recruit a second pair of eyes to look over your contract for you if you’re unsure about some of the lingo.
Inventory your stuff
Before the movers arrive, make a detailed list of what you are packing and what condition each item is in. Once the move is complete, go over your list while you unpack and ensure that your belongings were delivered in entirety.
Try to schedule your move around winter
The best time to move is around wintertime, when the rates are lower. Spring and summer months are peak for moving companies and their rates will reflect it.
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