Colour 101

Colour Palette Inspiration

I am a strong believer that the best inspiration for home decor comes from all around us. Life is full of gorgeous colours, shapes and ideas. That is probably why I am addicted to General Paint’s Stylyze tool. You upload a photo of your choice and it provides you with a colour palette based on the colours in the photo. It’s a great way to turn inspiration into a usable colour palette for any room!

If you follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest, you’ll have seen some of the colour boards I’ve been creating lately but I thought I would share some of my favourites.  I’d love to know which board is your favourite – take a look and then leave me a comment!

1. The Inspiration: Our Winter Issue Cover

Colour Board

2. The Inspiration: One of Marc’s From Drab to Fab projects


3. The Inspiration: Our Fall 2012 Cover


4. The Inspiration: A gorgeous photo from one of our staff member’s decor inspiration folder


5. The Inspiration: A photo of myself and my fiance. I did this one on a whim and actually really loved the colours that came out!


You can create your own Stylyze board from your favourite photos here and you could even win some great prizes from General Paint just for using Stylyze!

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Crystal Williams

As Online Editor for Canadian Home Trends Magazine, Crystal has a passion for design and decor. She enjoys browsing the web to find new, exciting decor ideas, DIY projects and unique products to share with her readers. With formal training in graphic design and a background in the event planning/design business, Crystal looks at design from all angles to give readers a fresh perspective.

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