Building & Renovation Home & Decor

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Painting Your Home

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Forgetting to Prep 

Arguably the most important step when painting is the first step: prepping your surface. Without proper preparation you risk an end result that is sloppy, uneven, and lacking the longevity properly prepping your surface would ensure. Before you even touch a paintbrush, use water, a mild detergent, and a sponge to remove any debris from the surface you intend to paint. Depending on what, if any, colored paint is on the surface originally, you might also want to consider sanding and priming for a flake-free finish.  


Choosing the Wrong Color 

Second only in importance to prepping, is testing out colors in the room or rooms you intend to paint. Paint chips, which can be obtained from your local hardware store, exist for this very reason. Tape chips on your wall to see how they will look given the light and surrounding décor in your space.    


Using the Wrong Tools 

Is there anything worse than an old and haggard brush or roller? We think not! Not only can using old or cheap tools make your job a lot harder than it needs to be, but it can affect the quality of your paint job, which is a risk you probably don’t want to take. Keep in mind that certain types of surfaces and certain types of paint tend to require specific type rollers, so pay careful attention to the packaging on both the paint and your tools. It’s hardly a one-size-fits-all affair! 


Not Using Tape Correctly or Using Low Quality Tape 

Speaking of one-size (doesn’t) fit-all, not all tape, even if it’s painting-specific tape, is created equal. Unsurprisingly, using quality tape can mean sharper lines, less reapplication between coats, and a cleaner job overall. For best results, ensure your paint job is completely dry before attempting to remove the tape, and peel it off at an angle. If you find your tape isn’t coming off cleanly, perhaps it’s time for a brand switch! Painter’s Mate Green® painter’s tape is designed with user-friendliness in mind, with one-of-a-kind adhesive that will not only create a tight seal on application, but is easy to remove post-paint job. 

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