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Tips for Unpacking like a Pro

Photo Source: cluttercrashers.com

So you followed our advice for a smooth move, or perhaps you hired a moving company, which helped you get from point A to point B rather painlessly. As you survey the sea of boxes engulfing the foyer of your new home, you may be wondering, now what? Fear not, we (still) have you covered. Keep reading for six tips, tricks, and hacks for unpacking like a pro.  


Put Together a “DIY Unpacking Kit”  

Streamline the unpacking process from the get go, by preparing a kit chock-full of unpacking supplies. Think: a box cutter or scissors, cleaning materials, trash bags, and snacks. For ideas on what to include in your unpacking kit, check out our article, How to Create a Unpacking Kit.


Designate an “Open First Box 

Let’s face it, moving is exhausting and once you’ve reached your point B, you may not feel like unpacking right away. Rather than rummaging through boxes to find your toothbrush, a clean change of clothes, or your phone charger, preemptively prepare an “open first” box with all the essentials you’ll need your first night in your new home.  


Get Organized 

Rather than unpacking boxes in random order and then transporting each item to respective rooms, distribute your boxes in the room they pertain to and unpack room by room. This will save you time and energy.  



More often than not, you’ll want to unpack your bedroom first, followed by the kitchen and bathroom, as these are the three spaces you’ll need right away.  


Decorate later  

If possible, leave decorative detailing, such as pictures and ornaments, for last, even if it means that these items sit in boxes for days. This way delicate items, such as picture frames and glassware, will be out of harms way while you get the rest of your home organized.  



After unpacking each box, make an effort to get empty boxes out of sight and out of mind. Recycle them, post an add online and give them away, drop them off at U-haul, (if they’re in decent condition), or stow them in storage. Keeping your living quarters free of unused boxes will cut down on clutter and help you to stay focused and organized from the start to finish of your move.

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