Home & Decor

3 Eco-Friendly Design Trends For 2022

Have you been thinking about making some changes to your home, but you are not quite sure where to start? Some of these eco-friendly design trends for 2022 are sure to influence some of your choices when refreshing your interiors!

This design is good for you and for the planet. Purchase furnishings from certified sustainable sources that are handmade and built to last. Also consider recycled items, salvaged wood, recycled metal, or vintage pieces. Choose natural products such as wool or jute rugs and textiles made with linen or organic cotton and ditch the pesticides and chemicals! Invite the outside in with the addition of plants, nature inspired murals or wallpaper.


A BLAST FROM THE PAST Retro is back! These oldies but goodies are waiting for you in vintage shops and online flea markets. There might even be a few vintage gems hiding in your attic, basement, or garage that could be revived and given a second life through restoring or having them reupholstered!

HOME OFFICES Working remotely is now a reality due to the pandemic and also a great way to reduce emissions! If you cannot spare an entire room for an office, there are many creative ways to add a workspace to other areas of your home. Think about a small corner in your living room, hallway, or maybe consider transforming a closet into a mini office. Wherever you decide to set up, ensure that you have a comfortable desk, a comfortable ergonomic chair and great lighting!

Soulier Design Studio, http://www.soulierdesignstudio.com

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Design and Architecture are my absolute PASSION and have been since my teenage years. My road to DESIGN has taken a few twists and turns while wearing several career hats over the years, however, I never abandoned my deep love affair with DESIGN. Finally, after completing my Interior Design Education many years ago, Soulier Design Studio was founded. Besides being a Designer, I am a Certified Life/Executive Coach and am currently, pursuing the Well AP designation. I am seriously committed to differentiating myself as a leader in human health and wellness in the spaces where we spend our lives. Memberships - CaGBC (Canadian Green Building Council) and DDA (Accredited - Decorators and Designers Association of Canada) I believe that every room in your home should be an incredibly enjoyable and satisfying experience, but more importantly, your home should support your health and well-being.

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