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15 Questions with Evelyn Eshun

evelyneshun_26Design Blogger: Evelyn Eshun, Evelyn Eshun Design

Inspired by a blog meme going around recently, we decided to challenge our design bloggers to share a little bit about themselves with 15 fun questions. You can view more 15 Questions posts here.

1. What’s your favourite wallpaper pattern?

Not sure it qualifies as a pattern,…but I love Grasscloth, in all its varieties and in all the various colours.

2. What’s the best vacation you’ve taken?

I went to Italy for 3 weeks; took a leisurely trip and met some great people along the way.

3. If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?


I would have lunch with Anthony Bourdain.

4. Name one thing on your bucket list.

To travel back to Poland where I was born and take as long as it takes to explore and be inspired.

5. What’s your favourite room in your house?

My favourite room is the powder room; it is like a jewel box which can be decorated with bold and daring expression.

6. If you could pick any designer, living or dead to decorate your house, who would it be?


I would love Coco Chanel to decorate my home; everything she did was classic and timeless, yet utterly modern and contemporary.

7. What’s on your night stand?

There is always a glass of water by my bedside.

8. Backyard BBQ or Formal Dinner?

Backyard BBQ hands down!

9. If you could rewind twenty years and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Trust your gut, it is always right.

10. Share something you’ve pinned (or bookmarked) and why you love it.

I love the simple ,yet respectful order in which this small garden was designed. It is elegant and traditional, yet completely contemporary in its expression.

11. What’s one decorating piece of advice you swear by?

ALWAYS buy quality. It is better to have less that is better, than more that is not.

12. What’s your favorite color and where have you used it or seen it used in a beautiful way?

My favourite colour is Orange. It is a tricky colour to use in décor but if used correctly, orange always brings luxury and uniqueness to a space. Hermes and Veuve Cliquot have done it best; their labels are visually irresistible.

13. If money was no object, what’s something you’d buy right now.


I would buy a Friesian Horse from Ebony Park Stud in Australia.

14. Share something that scares you, something that comforts you, or both.

Deep water terrifies me and walking through the threshold of my home comforts me.

15. What’s your guilty pleasure?


Pork Hocks and Sauerkraut is my ultimate guilty pleasure, especially when eaten at my favourite restaurant in Frankfurt, Germany.

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Evelyn Eshun has been providing creative Interior Design solutions for her Residential Clients in the Toronto area for over a decade. Principal Designer at Evelyn Eshun Interior Design, Evelyn has participated in various Television programs over the years in addition to her Design business. With a passion for design and travel, Evelyn has translated her extensive and various experiences into a design philosophy which puts the Client’s needs and functional needs first. Always striving for a unique and personalized solution for each Client, Evelyn prides herself on creating interiors which will stand the test of time. Whether transforming an old and tired property into a vibrant home or simply finishing a home with the decorating touches which make a house a home, the goal is always to collaborate with Homeowner, Trades and Suppliers to finish the project successfully.

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