Home & Decor

Blending Masculine and Feminine Styles

Blending feminine and masculine décor elements creates a balanced room which appeals to various design aesthetics. In our wardrobe, for instance, a pair of jeans with a masculine black jacket will appear more appealing on a woman when paired with a fabulous pair of open toe wedges and a colourful silk blouse. For a man, that same outfit is fantastic with a slim fit pastel French cuffed shirt and patterned tie. The same principles apply in interior design. A balanced room will have elements of both sensibilities. After all, one of the key lessons in design school is the creation of tension and harmony between elements and shapes.

Blending Masculine and Feminine Styles

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This room has a blend of masculine and feminine touches. The fireplace and built-in cabinetry are visually bold and angular, yet the furniture has some softness in its shape. The pillows are definitely a feminine touch that give the room balance. This is perfect for a family room!

Colour is an easy way to express the difference between a softer feminine look and a moody and darker masculine look.

Photo Source: Evelyn Eshun

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Evelyn Eshun has been providing creative Interior Design solutions for her Residential Clients in the Toronto area for over a decade. Principal Designer at Evelyn Eshun Interior Design, Evelyn has participated in various Television programs over the years in addition to her Design business. With a passion for design and travel, Evelyn has translated her extensive and various experiences into a design philosophy which puts the Client’s needs and functional needs first. Always striving for a unique and personalized solution for each Client, Evelyn prides herself on creating interiors which will stand the test of time. Whether transforming an old and tired property into a vibrant home or simply finishing a home with the decorating touches which make a house a home, the goal is always to collaborate with Homeowner, Trades and Suppliers to finish the project successfully.

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