Home & Decor

My Favourite Booth at IDS13


Walking the IDS show this year during the Opening Party with a glass of champagne in my hand…I came across the IKEA booth…I must admit, I paused from afar. It was so well done and as a result, they won the Gold prize for the best booth. And why not..it was fabulous.

They used a mix of natural materials such as rustic wood , brick and reclaimed items. Paying valuable homage to the ‘green movement’, they incorporated great storage solutions, all in a very natural and muted colour scheme. Certainly a departure from what we normally visualize when one utters the four letter word ‘IKEA’…

When I design my dream chalet or cottage in the woods, I will most certainly reference the elements which were incorporated in this booth design. Congratulations!


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Evelyn Eshun has been providing creative Interior Design solutions for her Residential Clients in the Toronto area for over a decade. Principal Designer at Evelyn Eshun Interior Design, Evelyn has participated in various Television programs over the years in addition to her Design business. With a passion for design and travel, Evelyn has translated her extensive and various experiences into a design philosophy which puts the Client’s needs and functional needs first. Always striving for a unique and personalized solution for each Client, Evelyn prides herself on creating interiors which will stand the test of time. Whether transforming an old and tired property into a vibrant home or simply finishing a home with the decorating touches which make a house a home, the goal is always to collaborate with Homeowner, Trades and Suppliers to finish the project successfully.

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