Designer Spaces Holidays & Entertaining Home & Decor

7 Chic Ways to Bring Spring into Your Home

Spring is knocking at our door…though it is hard to believe these days. What better time to urge Spring into your home but now, when it is unusually cold!

Since we live well above the latitude which provides year round warmth, consider seasonal decorating, swap out items such as pillows.


Photo Source: Evelyn Eshun

I love the flexibility that modular rugs from FLOR provides. You can easily swap out parts or all of the pattern with random squares. The customization possibilities are endless and if any part of the rug gets damaged, you only have to remove and replace the damaged section.


Photo Source: FLOR

Paint a single wall in your entry! You will be welcomed home each day but a fresh, updated space! Notice how the baseboards are painted out? This creates a seamless connection to the floor, especially effective when your baseboards are nothing to write home about.


Photo Source: Houzz

Purchase 2 sets of knobs (or more if you wish), and update them on your dresser or armoire with the seasons…just for fun.


Photo Source: Anthropologie

If you’re renovating and considering adding bigger windows in your bathroom, do not be limited by where the sink should be. Bringing more light in is always a good thing. Hanging a mirror in front of a window is an excellent example of not being limited by the ‘standard way of doing things’.


Photo Source: Houzz

This colourful Marimekko bedding from Crate and Barrel is a wonderful way to bring Spring freshness into your home. If you don’t want to change your whole bedding set, simply purchase some bright pillows.


Photo Source: Crate and Barrel

There are so many ways to freshen up your space in order to break out of the doldrums of Winter. Perhaps the the easiest is to include fresh flowers in your home: in the entry, in the bathroom, by your bedside, etc.


Photo Source: Houzz

Spring is coming, have faith! in the meantime, get cracking and start celebrating Spring indoors.

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Evelyn Eshun has been providing creative Interior Design solutions for her Residential Clients in the Toronto area for over a decade. Principal Designer at Evelyn Eshun Interior Design, Evelyn has participated in various Television programs over the years in addition to her Design business. With a passion for design and travel, Evelyn has translated her extensive and various experiences into a design philosophy which puts the Client’s needs and functional needs first. Always striving for a unique and personalized solution for each Client, Evelyn prides herself on creating interiors which will stand the test of time. Whether transforming an old and tired property into a vibrant home or simply finishing a home with the decorating touches which make a house a home, the goal is always to collaborate with Homeowner, Trades and Suppliers to finish the project successfully.

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