Carving a pumpkin is a quintessential Halloween tradition, as is going to a pumpkin patch to pick one out, and displaying your proud finished product on your front stoop. But Halloween is one day, and leaving your pumpkin out for longer than that will ultimately result in it either getting destroyed or decaying into an ugly, wilted mess; (and what’s the point of that after you’ve spent time and money on it). To ensure you’re getting the most out of your pumpkin, check out our ideas for what to do with it post-Halloween that doesn’t involve tossing it into compost.
Eat it
Baking or cooking with your pumpkin is probably the best way to ensure you are getting return on your investment, and there are so many yummy things you can make: pie, bread, puree, just to name a few. And don’t forget about the seeds, which make a tasty snack for school lunches after they’ve been properly cleaned and toasted.
Make a facemask
Pumpkin is chock full of valuable nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E, which are known to fight wrinkles, as well as beta-carotene, zinc, potassium, and antioxidants, which can help even out skin irregularities such as redness.
Find a recipe to DIY your own leftover pumpkin facemasks here and here.
Make a bird feeder
Making your unwanted pumpkin into a bird feeder is a simple project that simply involves cutting some sort of opening in the pumpkin so the birds can get to it – the pumpkin will do the rest of the work. Learn how to DIY your own here.
Make it into a flower planter
Dress up your front stoop post-Halloween by planting pretty flowers in your hollowed out pumpkins or integrate them into your garden by planting herbs or other edibles.

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