With a few hair-thin needles, I can relieve or knock out your excruciating pain within 10 seconds (in over 90% of cases) after I inserted the needles at some spots on your body, with no drugs whatsoever involved, and help you get permanent pain relief in 4-10 treatments, no matter where the pain is.
You may not believe what I claimed if you have ever tried acupuncture before (not in my clinic), say, for your shoulder, low back or sciatica buttock pain. What you have experienced most likely was: you lied on a treatment table, face down, undressed with your shoulder, back or buttocks exposed. Then the acupuncturist would insert needles in or close to where the pain was. After 20-30 minutes he or she would take out the needles and ask if you feel any better. If not, he or she might add electrical stimulation on the needles, add fire cupping, or add some massage … If still no, you would be told the pain relief might not start until after a few more treatments.
That’s the standard clinic routine acupuncturists were trained in acupuncture schools (me as well). In such a routine, the patient would not know whether the pain is relieved or not until completion of treatment which usually takes one hour.

Mayo Clinic
Here is an actual example. As explained by the renowned Mayo Clinic in the US which has adopted acupuncture practice nationwide. In their clinic, some patients may have symptom improvement after the first treatment, but others may not see improvement until after several treatments. “But if your back pain doesn’t begin to improve within a few weeks, acupuncture may not be the right treatment for you”, says a Mayo Clinic post titled “Acupuncture for back pain?”
So, pain relief within 10 seconds in my clinic versus no improvement until after one hour or even weeks in the Mayo Clinic! I’m sure you will think I’m crazy. Let me explain.
“Each practitioner of acupuncture has a unique style”, says another Mayo Clinic post. Exactly true. There are many different ways to practice acupuncture depending on different opinions as to theory and technique. The efficacy may not always be the same. The modality I used is unique based on my experience and vast amount of literature researches. First, I rarely put needles on the acupoints from textbooks. The textbook acupuncture does work, but more and more leading acupuncture experts found it does not work as effective and fast as supposed to be due to the outdated theories imposed on it. Numerous researches worldwide demonstrated that inserting needles at the textbook acupoints does not work any better than inserting needles somewhere else. Note the Mayo Clinic’s practitioners faithfully use the textbook acupuncture (as indicated in their posts) in their daily practice.

My immediate-effective modality lies in my experience / knowledge-based diagnostic palpation technique, which can precisely pinpoint the specific spots (not the textbook acupoints) on your body that, once stimulated, will instantly and effectively wake up the “dormant” healing power of your body, targeting your particular pain or ailment. It is this purely natural healing power that makes “pain-gone-within-seconds” possible. Wherever your pain or ailment is, my unique diagnostic test can quickly identify these particular “spots”.
With my modality, not only is pain relief instantly but also the disrobing of patients becomes not necessary. The textbooks teach students to insert needles where the pain is if uncertain. This frequently requires disrobing patients to expose their body parts such as back, buttock, belly button, or pelvic area. In contrast, my modality does not need to put needles in such inconvenient locations. In my clinic, you will always receive treatment fully dressed in a sleeveless shirt and shorts. I never insert needles on your body trunk but your arms/hands or legs/feet. I never request you to lie face down with your chest squeezed against the treatment table, instead, you will always comfortably lie face up with a pillow under your knees. You just stay relaxed watching everything I do on your body and keep asking me questions about why and how the needles work, or any other things you are curious to know.
Suffering from pain but not convinced with my “pain gone within seconds”? See me for a free trial to verify your own body’s magic self-healing power evoked by my needles. Rest assured. You are in good hands. Nothing happier than seeing your pain away and smile back.
Brook Cheng, R. Ac., Ph. D.
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