Holidays & Entertaining Home & Decor

Stress-Free Christmas Tips from Evelyn Eshun



As I stepped out into the blast of freezing air…ok , a touch of an exaggeration…crisp air!, I realized that the loss of hope for more warm days allows me to consider that Christmas is truly around the corner. Waiting for Lola my Cheeky Chihuahua ( image of Lola) to do her business, I began processing the thought of entertaining for the holiday season…what to do ? What is my theme going to be? Where are those decorations and do I even feel like diving into that hurricane? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’…this is the time to put aside all those ‘work responsibilities’ and surround yourself with that and those who really matter.

We create our own stress at times with complicating the expectations…in the end, it is about the experience and not whether the napkins all match. I like to mix and match based on a feeling. This year will be stress free because I’m not taking it so seriously, my plan is to have fun and go with the flow, to use items which I already have in the house.

Mix your styles..don’t worry about a specific theme..go for a general feeling. Contemporary square plates with a dash of classic white and silver china and a dose of Italian colour will make the table feel ‘collected’ rather than ‘staged’. Speaking of mixing it up…my tree this year is mixed with florals, feathers , as well as the classic Christmas balls. This plan came about when I did not want to make a big deal of the tree this year…less stress..I went with the flow and I’m pleasantly surprised. A friend came over yesterday and said ‘it’s an Evelyn tree’… this means I did the right thing..success!

Evelyn's Christmas Tree

Evelyn’s Christmas Tree

Evelyn's Christmas Tree

Evelyn’s Christmas Tree


I love the idea of individual Tureens which I have seen at various stores. It is a nice way to have the meal ready in the oven, already prepared and ready to go..a great time saver for you, the cook and a nice way to reveal a meal, almost like a present.

Photo Source: Amazon

Photo Source: Amazon

Try an untradtional colourscheme for your table…forget the red and green…this year, get inspired by a floral arrangement or a favourite art print. This will allow you to use items around the house rather than rushing around searching for particular items in the typical colours of the Holiday.

Photo Source: Acco Kitchen & Bath

Photo Source: Acco Kitchen & Bath

Use an unconventional material for your table cloth…it can really create a jumping off point for your dining table, entry console or side table.

Photo Source: High Street Market

Photo Source: High Street Market

While walking your dog, or yourself, pick up pine cones and greenery to add to your table and general décor. Today, I collected a whole bunch of pine cones from under some trees…I’m sure I saved myself at least $20 in doing this. Now there is an idea for a decorating theme.

Photo Source: Pinterest

Photo Source: Pinterest

Photo Source: Pinterest

Photo Source: Pinterest


Fill up your gas tank when the weather is generally acceptable…even if it is ¾ full, this will allow you to keep driving when it is horrible.

Most importantly, enjoy yourself, smile a lot and be yourself…when you feel good, it is infectious, ‘Good Energy’ is the best accessory you can have for the Holiday season.

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Evelyn Eshun has been providing creative Interior Design solutions for her Residential Clients in the Toronto area for over a decade. Principal Designer at Evelyn Eshun Interior Design, Evelyn has participated in various Television programs over the years in addition to her Design business. With a passion for design and travel, Evelyn has translated her extensive and various experiences into a design philosophy which puts the Client’s needs and functional needs first. Always striving for a unique and personalized solution for each Client, Evelyn prides herself on creating interiors which will stand the test of time. Whether transforming an old and tired property into a vibrant home or simply finishing a home with the decorating touches which make a house a home, the goal is always to collaborate with Homeowner, Trades and Suppliers to finish the project successfully.

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