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Designing For Better Sleep And Better Health

Now more than ever, getting good quality sleep is essential for optimal health, well-being and keeping your immune system strong. Bedrooms are often the last rooms in our homes to be decorated and are quite often neglected. Considering we spend a third of our lives in bed, it is so important to make this room our priority. Here are some tips for creating a healthy, restorative, and tranquil bedroom space.

sleep and health

DECLUTTER There is absolutely no way to relax in a cluttered space. To make your bedroom more restful, spend some time removing unnecessary items, clearing your night side tables, and putting away clothes.

OPT FOR CALMING COLORS Colors can affect our moods and are extremely personal. Some find a softer color palette more relaxing, while others prefer a dark room for that cocoon like feel. Assess your bedroom and determine what colors give you that calming effect.

SCRAP THE ELECTRONICS It has been proven; the stimulating blue light given off by electronics will confuse your mind into thinking it is time to stay awake and not sleep!

INVEST IN A QUALITY MATTRESS, PILLOWS AND LINENS Your mattress is the star of the show. Invest in the best quality mattress and pillows that you can afford. They should deliver comfort, sleep, and posture alignment but should also be free of harmful chemicals. Opt for linens made from natural materials like organic cotton or linen for the coziest and most luxurious sleep ever.

Soulier Design Studio, http://www.soulierdesignstudio.com

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Design and Architecture are my absolute PASSION and have been since my teenage years. My road to DESIGN has taken a few twists and turns while wearing several career hats over the years, however, I never abandoned my deep love affair with DESIGN. Finally, after completing my Interior Design Education many years ago, Soulier Design Studio was founded. Besides being a Designer, I am a Certified Life/Executive Coach and am currently, pursuing the Well AP designation. I am seriously committed to differentiating myself as a leader in human health and wellness in the spaces where we spend our lives. Memberships - CaGBC (Canadian Green Building Council) and DDA (Accredited - Decorators and Designers Association of Canada) I believe that every room in your home should be an incredibly enjoyable and satisfying experience, but more importantly, your home should support your health and well-being.

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